bee sting allergy - facts about bees and honey

facts about bees and honey

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

bee sting allergy

 bee sting allergy
bee sting allergy

Allergies are quite a common thing that most people suffer from all over the world. There are different types of allergies like food allergy, mustard allergy, yeast allergy etc. These allergies are nothing but hypersensitive reactions. Hypersensitivity reactions are caused when the immune system of the body overreacts to a substance.

One such allergy is the bee sting allergy. A lot of people suffer from this allergy all over the world. This is also known as stinging insect allergy. This is caused by mainly the honey bees, wasps, flying insects and ants.
The main causative agent in this allergy is the venom injected by the insect. In a normal person the venom does not show much effect. A normal person experiences some mild irritation of the skin, itchiness etc. In people sufferings from sting-allergy the consequences are worse and such people have a tough time dealing with it.

The symptoms of the this allergy in a normal person are less severe and include mild skin irritations in the form of bumps, rashes and swelling. In case of individuals who are sensitive to the bee sting, it will bring about a condition called anaphylaxis. This condition can be fatal as it affects multiple organs and make cause anaphylactic shock. The cause of death in the bee-sting-allergy is mainly due to the anaphylactic shock and anaphylaxis itself.

The other symptoms include loss of consciousness, confusion, dizziness, lowered blood pressure and unusually high pulse. If a person is suffering from these symptoms it is mandatory to take medical help as soon as possible. The main problem of anaphylaxis and anaphylactic shock is that more the treatment is delayed more are the chances of fatality. Hence it is most important to seek medical help as fast as possible. Anaphylactic shocks and anaphylaxis are best handled and treated by medical professionals.

The only way to avoid having any allergy is to avoid the allergy causing substance. In the case of bee sting allergy, individuals suffering from this allergy are advised to keep away from places where they could be stung. While trekking or hiking it is advised that the allergic individuals be on a lookout for hives and nests of stinging insects. There are a number of ointments available in the market that helps in reducing the skin irritation caused by the bee-sting allergy. Allergic individuals can keep these ointments with them always, so that if stung by a bee the skin irritation is reduced to a great extent before medical help is provided.
Parmar Keyur is an experienced writer and Internet marketing professional based in Ahmedabad, India.


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