The history of beekeeping - facts about bees and honey

facts about bees and honey

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The history of beekeeping

  The history of beekeeping

history of beekeeping
No one really knows when the first time someone thought about collecting the honey from hives. We do know that the art of beekeeping has been around for a long time. Archaeologist have discovered cave drawings depicting collecting honey. These caves were found in Africa and Spain’s eastern regions. Archaeologist believe that the cave drawings were created in 7000BC. Most of these pictures show people scooping honey out of rocks and trees but a few of them depict images of humans standing, unstung, in the midst of a swarms of bees. Scientist believe that these early cave dwellers somehow learned that smoke had an interesting affect on bees.

The earliest artificial bee hives were made out of pottery, clay vases and bowls, and straw baskets resembled the trees and rock crevices that the bees were drawn to in nature. Early beekeepers learned how to capture swarms of bees in these containers. Once trapped the bees proceeded to turn the containers into a bee hive.

Aficionados of Roman history know that bees and honey played a role in the Roman culture.

In the period of time between the 1500’s and 1851 was an evolutionary time for beekeeping. The first critical change in beekeeping happened late in the 1500’s. It was during this time that information was learned about the life cycle of the honey bee. Once beekeepers understood the way that bees lived they were better able to take care of the winged insects.

Adaptations to artificial hives started taking place. As beekeepers, agricultural enthusiast, and scientists, yearned to learn more about the life cycle of bees, beekeepers look for ways to design a hive that would allow them to easily see inside the hive.

An American, Lorenzo Langstroth, designed the first mobile bee hive.  and Discovered  (Bee space) and making of animation frames and foundation wax cells and separators honey, invented Koenby smoker (Smoker). After the discovery of (Bee space)

Bee space
Bee space
, specialized magazines in bees emerged, including in 1861 (American Bee Journal). The magazine (Gleanings in Bee culture) in 1873 AD. These magazines are issued so far. The degree of understanding of the life of bees better and storage of food, as well as methods of resistance Altatrid by Demuth and Demary, and has to know that congestion (Congestion) is Altatrid reason can develop resistance Aslat, and knew that the small queens lay more eggs which is the best. The use of motors that work as well as gasoline and electric motors, Power Machinery led to a sort of honey, and was the first factory was created to extract the honey in the state of New York in 1937, and during several years spread of these plants. The first machine to scrape wax covers were created in 1920 and in Ontario - Canada.

By the time the 1850’s got here the European honey bee was introduced to California. After California the honey bees were introduced to Oregon and Canada.

It is believed that there are over 210,000 beekeepers currently in the United States. Collectively these beekeepers keep and maintain over three million active bee hives.

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