how much honey from one hive? - facts about bees and honey

facts about bees and honey

Sunday, September 14, 2014

how much honey from one hive?

how much honey from one hive?
How To Start Beekeeping
 how much honey per hive 
Some of the answers collected from some sites

how much honey from one hive ?

As a hobbyist I have made over 150 pounds of honey from one hive with a good honey flow, using a Langstroth hive.

how much honey from one hive ?I keep honey bees, it depends hugely on the weather, the last 2 years in Ireland have been so wet and the bees can't forage. Also the newly hatched queens only have 2 weeks in which to fly out and mate otherwise it is too late and they are too old to mate. If it rains every day during those 2 weeks then the queens either die or are sterile and only lay drone brood, drones are male bees and they don't produce honey so either way its a disaster.

I produced 55lb of honey (55 jars) off 2 hives last year but the one hive was queenless part way through the year so the majority of the honey came from just one working hive.

Most bee keepers work on collecting 60lb of honey per hive in a good year.

source: how much honey from one hive?

how much honey from one hive ?
In a good season, one beehive can produce up to 60 pounds of honey.  Though one beehive produces 20-30 pounds of honey on average.

 source:how much honey from one hive?

 how much honey per hive

 how much honey per hive

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